Sun Breath: Pranayama to Increase Vitality and Productivity

Yoga’s tradition of breathing techniques to influence the healthy flow of life energy (Pranayama) can essentially be divided into two categories: heating/solar Pranayama, in this case meaning energizing techniques, and cooling/lunar Pranayama, referring to calming practices.

Though we may think of deep breathing as a means only to induce states of calm, Solar Pranayama techniques are great for a morning practice or any time that you’re feeling sluggish or unmotivated during the day. Though some can be quite vigorous, they don’t need to be in order to be effective. Any practice which emphasizes opening the solar energy channel (Pingala Nadi), which is described in several ancient yoga texts as flowing between the right sitting bone and the right nostril, will have an invigorating quality without being too intense.

A great example is Sun Breath (Surya Bhedana) which focuses on breathing only through your right nostril, facilitating the free flow of subtle energy through this channel to activate vitality, productivity and strength.

Sun Breath is a gentle and safe technique and should be practiced without strain. Here’s how:


1.    From a comfortable seated position, bring your awareness to your breath. Take a few easy breaths.

2.    Next, use your left thumb to gently seal your left nostril and begin to breath in and out only through your right nostril. Your breath should be gentle.

3.    Enjoy 1-2 minutes of Sun Breath, then release your hand into your lap and let your breathing return to normal.

4.    Visualize an energy channel running up your spine from your right sitting bone to your right nostril and feel the flow of energy between those two points. Observe any sensations of clarity and lightness in your mind.

(For a gentler alternative to Sun Breath, you can use your imagination to breathe only through your right nostril while you are lying down in Basic Relaxation Pose.)

*Instructions from Restorative Yoga for Beginners by Julia Clarke


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