
Restorative Lifestyle Blog

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you need to come home to yourself.

Yoga, Restorative Yoga, meditation Julia Clarke Yoga, Restorative Yoga, meditation Julia Clarke

How Restorative Yoga benefits your creative process

Creativity, the source of all innovation, has remained at the forefront of scholarly inquiry by psychologists, therapists and now neuroscientists for decades. Creativity provides innovation at the source of all thought; how it expresses is almost infinite, whether that’s abstract painting, writing a novel, or problem solving when you’re hanging off the side of a cliff on belay. It stands to reason that the more innovative thinking there is happening in society at large, the greater the benefit to us all.

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Why Restorative Yoga benefits your wellbeing, and how to get started

In a results-driven lightning speed world where more is being asked of us than ever before, it’s no longer about “finding time” to recover, but recognizing that without preemptive rest we’ll get less done, fall further behind, and feel more overwhelmed than ever.

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meditation Julia Clarke meditation Julia Clarke

Why Your Thoughts Matter, and How to Change Them

We are creatures of memory and anticipation, continually storing the memories of our experiences in the Hippocampus for later access. This ongoing cycle of psychological impressions (called "Samskaras" in Buddhism) is the very nature of the human mind, and believed to be the root of all suffering. Unless we're aware of this self-fulfilling prophecy, the older we get, the less new experiences we have. This is nature's way of conserving energy; if you have had this experience before, your nervous system doesn't have to figure out a new way to react to it.

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meditation Julia Clarke meditation Julia Clarke

Loving Kindness Meditation Improves Your Health, Slows Aging and Decreases Pain: Here’s How to Do It

Loving Kindness or "Metta" meditation comes from the Buddhist tradition and is a powerful tool for cultivating forgiveness, goodwill and compassion for all beings. According to Psychology Today, its benefits include increased positive emotions and social connections, slowed biological aging and decreased chronic pain and bias against others.

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